Frequently Asked Questions

Shopping Information

What shipping methods are available?

We have a single standard shipping method which is free and orders are typically delivered within two or three days.

Do you ship internationally?

Currently, we only ship within the United States, but we are planning to expand our service internationally very soon.

Will I be able to track my order?

Yes, you will receive an email notification once your order has shipped. That email will contain your tracking number which you can click to be directed to the carrier's site.

Payment Information

What payment methods are accepted?

We accept Paypal, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Shop Pay. We also accept major credit cards: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.

Orders & Returns

How can I cancel or change my order?

To cancel or make changes, please contact us via email at with a brief explanation of changes needed to your order.

Do I need an account to place an order?

No, customer accounts are optional. Guest checkouts are welcomed.

How do I return my order and receive a refund?

You have thirty days to decide if you would like keep or return your purchase. If you wish to return it, please send us an email at and we will issue you a prepaid shipping label for your return. For more details, please read our store policy on Returns & Refunds.